Carley was 4 months toward the end of March! At her 4 month appt with her pedi MD, she weighted 15 lbs (even) and 25.2 in long! Big girl! She is def on the higher end for both height & weight! MD said most 1 y/o are about 20 lb. She is well on her way! We love our chunky monkey & glad she has a good appetite! Everyone always comments on her healthy cheeks! We think it's super cute! The MD suggested to introduce cereal when Carley seemed interested in food or grabbing for food. So far, we think she is content nursing every 2-3hr during the day & we plan on waiting for the cereal closer to her 6 mo bday if no teeth by then. It makes sense that God intended for teeth to eat food!
Easter Lilly
Eggstravaganza Carley
Cadbury Egg
Bon voyage Carley
Easter Joy
Unleash the Fun
Twinkies Stick Together
After all the snowy and cold, little Carley and I are certainly enjoying our daily walks in the BOB stroller when the weather is nice! We def love the April spring days in T-town!
Rolley Polley Carley
Somebunny loves you
Story time with MiMi
Paper verus Carley. The paper won!
4 Month Progress:
Sticking everything that she can get her hands on in her mouth
Had several freak out moments in public. ie, restaurant and friends house
Very observant. Notices pictures on walls, ect
Maybe teething, small bump on lower gums
Drooling more
Started rolling to her left side from back to tummy position
Check out a short video clip of Carley:
4 days later, she rolled to her right side like a champ
Grabbing her toes, first her left toes, then her right toes
Squealing more
Def laughing daily, esp at Da Da & when you kiss her tummy
Loves to suck on her baby keys
Loves to shake rattles
Started to have a more predictable napping schedule
Started going to sleep at 9:30p instead of 10-10:30! Yeah!
Sleep more through the night. Occasionally gets up once!
Loves seeing MiMi daily!
Loves her baths
Enjoys being in her two jumperoos. Her feet reach the ground now.
Loves looking in the mirror
First golf cart ride with MiMi
Loves to smile at momma first thing in the AM's
Making motorboat sound & blowing bubbles! So precious!
Lucky Ladybug
License to Drool
Lil' bunny Foo Foo
Jumping beans
Hopping Easter feet
He has Risen for Carley
Fiesta before Siesta