Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March Madness with Carley

Carley is 3 months and changing so much everyday! I love to watch her discover new things and do new "tricks!" I tell Sean that she just mastered a new developmental skill & he laughs! During this month, Carley def recongnizes her momma & da da! She loves to smile & laugh at her Da Da when he gets home from work! I think she loves his deep voice, big blue eyes, funny faces he makes with his eyebrows & she likes to feel his whiskers on his face! It is probably just nice to see a fresh face besides her momma in her face all the time! Ha! Carley def recognizes her momma's voice and laugh across the room and tracks to find me! I love this! Carley also enjoys playing & dancing with her MiMi nearly everyday! Carley might be on Dancing with the Stars someday!

Flowerama Carley

Tulp Princess

Sweet Daddy time

Pink Pretty Princess


BF Andrew (6 mo) & Carley sitting in a tree, G'moms have opposite babies! Ha!

Papa T loves Pookie

Sweet baby girl

Carley is also spontaneously laughing at times! Her whole face lights up & it is absolutely the most precious thing we have ever seen! You find yourself doing everything possible for her to do it again & again! It's so fun! Car Car enjoys being in her rainforest mat more where she is noticing dangling toys & is swatting at them more! Her attention span is a little longer during this playtime! With this increased attention span, we enjoy reading books off & on during the day!

Lunch playdate with Kim Labbe in Dallas

Hippity hoppity

Mommy & Car Car

Bumble bee Carley

We do Carley's tummy time neck exercises 2-3 times/day even though she does not particularly like them that well. She is doing mini pushups whether she likes it or not! I am so proud of her! Sweet girl is sleeping through the night for the most part. We put her down in her crib bt 10-10:30 & she will wake to eat maybe once or not until 6 or 7a! Praise God for sleep!

Lucky Leprechaun

Happy St. Patty's Day

Cute Leopard twins

Babbling brook Carley

Our Gerber baby

La La (Sean's mom) & Daniel (bro) came for a visit to Tyler at the beginning of the month. We had fun seeing them and went for a nice dinner at Bernard Mediterranean restaurant while they were here! Thank you Mr. Farris! Carley slept the whole time in her carseat which was an added bonus! MiMi was holding the princess at Dad's bank & heard Carley say "Da Da!" Momma is just glad that she said Da Da! La La was playing with Carley on the ground and she laughed at La La too! Great memories!

Admiring the Fishtank at PaPa T's bank with MiMi & LaLa

LaLa's playtime

LaLa's QT

I think it snowed 3 times bt Feb & March here! It had not snowed like that since the 80's! A new record for the global warming! Crazy Texas weather! I guess the ground hog guessed it right this year! Ha!