Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy 2.5 Month B-day

At Carley's 9 week appt, she weighed 12.5 lb & 23 in! She was in the 76th & 80th percentile for height & weight & 90th percentile for her head measurement! At this appt, she got 3 of her 2 month immunizations! POOR baby doll! She had no idea what was coming! Momma even teared up! Boo!

Bless Her Pumpkin Heart Carley

We can't believe that Carley is growing so fast! I know that I mentioned in an earlier post that I hoped that Carley's sleeping would get better and it definitely has improved! She slept 8 consecutive hours for the 1st time flat in her crib on Friday night and it happened again last night! It is like a whole new world! I was a bit panicky at first, but it is reassuring to know she can do it! We hope it continues and will keep our fingers crossed! This is BIG time for us! It was like a light switch turned on when she turned 2.5 months and POOF the baby sleeps all night! God is good!

Snow Bunny Carley

Valentine Cutie Carley

Nothing But Sugar Carley

PaPa T & Carley Smiles

Carley is an inch away from being able to jump until her heart is content in her jumper! She repeatly played with the beads on the jumper! I could not believe it and made daddy look at her a million times!

She is definitely smiling more when she sees mommy & daddy! When I tell her to sing, she makes a sweet ahh sound, along with some other sounds too! Carley is such a sweet princess and starting to pick up her feet and actually puts one foot in front of the other as if she is walking while we hold her under her arms! We are practing her neck and back exercises 2-3 times a day and she is improving! She likes it when I clap and praise her mini pushups! Everything is going straight to her mouth, especially both of her hands! She tries to see if she can fit both hands in at the same time!

High Above the Ground Carley

Kissable Carley

All Naturale Mommy & Carley

Honey Bunny Carley

Oh, by the way, one of my worst pet peves is when people immediately want to touch, hold and even sometimes kiss Carley's hands when they see her! MiMi's nail lady kissed Carley's hand multiply times and I witnessed it and let me tell you I was dying inside! This is not okay with momma at this point bc they are going straight to her mouth! I may be a bit controlling, but I am trying to protect my baby girl during these winter months! There was even a random waitress that asked to touch her and I said NO! Opps! I need to get better at my come backs and just let people know that she has not had all of her shots yet! Ha!!

MiMi & Carley

I Heart Carley

Telling Secrets Carley


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