Sunday, January 17, 2010

CNL is 8 weeks

It is no cliche to say that time flies when you are having fun! I honestly can say that time has been spent staring at our baby girl... all day long and loving every minute of it! It's official, I will now be a full time stay at home mommy! I will be getting to do alot more of that QT with Carley! Yippy! We are super excited and I am pumped that we can make it work so I do not miss out on anything! It is absolutely the BEST gift that my loving husband could ever give me!! We have certainly prayed and prayed about it and think that it is the best thing for our growing family!

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Things happening with Carley:
Watches and follows mommy & daddy with her eyes & other objects
Smiling more, especially in the mornings and after bath time and spontaneously
Opening her hands more
Makes some funny faces
Throws her arms in the air when she is startled (it's cute)
Eye lashes getting darker (light light brown) (fun to watch)
Eyes are lighter blue, still really deep blue
Hair thining in spots, still has mohawk
Great head/neck strength & leg strength
Napping without being held
Grunts and hiccups alot
Sleeping 2-6 hours (much improved)
Size 1 diapers (such a big girl)
Wearing 0-3, 3 month old clothes (this started at 6 wks)
Eats from 10-45 minutes

Carley LOVES:
Loves to eat frequently
Love to make that sweet, little coo or hum noise when she eats & swallows (we love this too)
Loves for daddy to hold her
Loves music and to be sung to
Loves bathtime
Loves daily visits from MiMi, especially when they rumba dance
Loves putting on clean, cute clothes
Loves to be upright and standing on her feet and pushing off (all the time)
Loves when PaPa T babysits
Love, love loves her face and hair washed daily
Loves car rides
Loves going to eat at restuarants and the background noise

Carley Likes:
Likes daddy prickley bearded kisses
Likes her music mat for short periods of time
Liking her swing more
Really likes being in her new Baby Bjorn carrier around the house
Likes mommy to read her books for short periods of time
Likes to stretch real big
Likes being in her carseat (sometimes)
Likes looking in the mirror
Likes for other people to hold her (our social butterfly)

Not so much a fan of:
Being still...ever
Bedtime (hope this is not a sign of th
ings to come)
Being messed with
Being held close when alert (really sad faces :( here)
Being on her stomach for very long (we are working on this)
Sunlight in her face
Big hair bows of any kind (BOO!)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Carley's Glamour Shots

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Carley Little Angel
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Happy New Year to all!! This is going to be the BEST year for us Lowerys! We are excited to share it with little Carley & to watch her grow up!